The Role of School Business Managers in Customer Service Training
In the fast-paced world of education, School Business Managers play a critical role in managing a team of Education Support Staff who serve as the frontline representatives of your school. Their customers encompass teachers, parents, students, stakeholders, and the wider community. As a School Business Manager, you understand the importance of having a team that is skilled, customer-focused, and capable of leaving a lasting positive impression. But how can you ensure that your Education Support Staff deliver exceptional customer service consistently? This blog is here to guide you.
The Juggling Act: Leading and Managing
Managing a team of Education Support Staff while juggling your own tasks is no small feat. It requires a diverse range of skills, including time and task management. Balancing leadership and management responsibilities is essential to create a thriving customer service team. So, if you’re already making it happen, give yourself a well-deserved high five!
Avoiding Managerial Burnout
When customer service levels decline, complaints rise, and staff morale hits rock bottom, it may be tempting to add “Customer Service and Teamwork Trainer” to your ever-growing to-do list. However, this can quickly lead to burnout for both you and your team. Trying to be the trainer while managing and leading can be overwhelming. It’s time to explore other solutions that will benefit both you and your Education Support Staff.
Effective Training Solutions
1. Utilise Internal Resources
Look within your team for someone who possesses the skills, willingness, and availability to provide internal customer service training. Identifying an individual who can deliver training internally can alleviate the burden on you while empowering your team.
2. Customised Training
Avoid the one-size-fits-all approach. Seek out training providers who understand the unique needs of your staff, your school, and your customers. True customisation goes beyond adding your logo to training materials. Look for providers who can tailor the training to address specific challenges and opportunities within your school community.
3. Accredited and Non-accredited Training
Consider a combination of accredited and non-accredited training options. Accredited training programs provide recognized qualifications and can be explored through platforms like Non-accredited training programs can offer valuable insights and practical skills tailored to your team’s specific needs.
Remember: Growth Through Experience
If circumstances require you to train your staff, establish achievable development goals and foster an environment that embraces learning from mistakes. Experience is a powerful teacher, and by allowing your team to learn from their experiences, you’ll nurture growth and continuous improvement.
Ready to Equip Your Education Support Staff?
Just For Schools is here to help you take your customer service team to new heights of excellence. Our customised training programs, designed specifically for the education sector, will empower your staff to provide exceptional service to teachers, parents, students, stakeholders, and the wider community. Contact us today to schedule a training session tailored to your school’s unique needs.
Together, let’s elevate customer service excellence in your school and create a lasting impact. Don’t wait – book your training session with Just For Schools now!