From the Classroom to the Library: How DISC Advanced® Can Build a Unified School

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Picture this: You’re leading a staff meeting, buzzing with ideas for the upcoming school fair. A teacher beside you is already sketching a detailed plan while the librarian meticulously organises donation boxes across the table. Meanwhile, the ever-enthusiastic support staff member is bouncing off the walls with creative suggestions! 

Sound familiar? Schools are a melting pot of personalities and behaviours; sometimes, those differences can lead to… well, let’s say, “spirited discussions.”  But what if there was a secret weapon to unlock the power of this diversity and build a genuinely unified school team? The answer might lie in a little something called DISC Advanced®. 


DISC Decoded: The Four Behavioural Styles at Play 

DISC isn’t some fancy school supply (although a stress ball for each behavioural style might be fun!). It’s a framework for understanding human behaviour based on four fundamental styles. 

DISC stands for Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Conscientious. Each behavioural style has strengths and preferences that influence how they approach work, communication, and collaboration. 

  • The Dominants (Ds): These are our decisive and action-oriented people. They enjoy challenges and thrive in fast-paced environments. 
  • The Influentials (Is): The school’s social butterflies love to connect and build relationships. They bring enthusiasm and creativity to the table. 
  • The Steady (Ss): Reliable and loyal. They value stability and cooperation and are detail-oriented, ensuring smooth operations behind the scenes. 
  • The Conscientious (Cs): Analytical and careful, they excel at research and problem-solving and bring a sense of order and accuracy to any team. 


School Days, DISC Ways: Putting it into Action 

Now, imagine that staff meeting again. Recognising your colleagues’ DISC styles can completely change the dynamic and adjusting to accommodate their strengths, can have positive results for everyone: 

  • Ds: Present the overall vision for the fair, but allow space for their input and problem-solving skills. 
  • Is: Tap into their creativity to brainstorm fun activities and engage the school community. 
  • Ss: Delegate tasks that require meticulous organisation, like budgeting and scheduling. 
  • Cs: Trust them to ensure all safety protocols and permit applications are in order. 

By understanding these preferences, you can tailor your communication and collaboration style to get the best out of everyone. Suddenly, that meeting doesn’t feel like pulling teeth – it’s a symphony of diverse strengths working in harmony! 


Beyond Meetings: Building Bridges with DISC 

DISC isn’t just about staff meetings. It can help you communicate more effectively with everyone at school: 

  • Teachers & Librarians: Imagine a teacher (D) who tailors their lessons to cater to the active learning styles of Is and the methodical pace of Ss. A librarian (I) who uses their charisma to get even the most reluctant Cs excited about research projects! 
  • Classroom Staff & Maintenance: A classroom aide (S) who anticipates the needs of a meticulous C teacher, ensuring a well-organised learning environment. A maintenance worker (D) who takes a problem-solving approach to unexpected repairs, keeping the school running smoothly for everyone. 


Remember, DISC is a Guide, Not a Gavel 

DISC is a powerful tool for understanding behaviours, not a way to categorise people into boxes. Everyone has a blend of these styles, and situations can influence how they show up. 


Building Your Dream Team: The DISC Advantage 

By fostering an environment that appreciates diverse behavioral styles, your school becomes a place where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique strengths. Imagine the possibilities! 


Ready to unlock the power of DISC in your school? Just For Schools (JFS) offers a variety of professional development programs that can help your staff leverage DISC to build stronger relationships, improve communication, and create a more unified school community. Contact us today to learn more and watch your school transform from a collection of individuals into a collaborative dream team!