The List That Will Take Your Education Support Staff from OK to Awesome
Working in a frontline ESS role requires a particular type of attitude.
It doesn’t matter where you are located, Geelong, Ballarat, Melbourne, Birchip, Hamilton or Sale, all schools need frontline ESS that has a can-do attitude.
But, a great attitude is just the start. Students, parents, and the School community want action because actions speak so much louder than thoughts or words.
Below are examples of the actions of awesome Education Support Staff:
• apologising for a delay or a mistake
• being punctual
• ceasing conversations with a co-worker when a customer needs help
• ceasing unrelated activities when interacting with a customer
• giving eye contact to a person who is talking to you
• listening without interrupting
• offering a seat to the frail or elderly
• opening the door for people
• refraining from eating or drinking in the view of customers or when talking on the phone
• remembering and acknowledging events (for example, birthdays and celebrations)
• saying please when you ask for something
• seeking and using your customer’s name
• smiling when you greet people
• thanking customers for waiting
• wearing neat and clean clothes or uniform.
This list might seem like ‘common sense’ and actions all staff should do without being reminded but sadly, it’s not something all staff do all the time.
A powerful action you can implement now is to give the above list to your ESS.
Ask them to remove or add what they think are actions of a professional ESS, and ask them to think about what their customers would deem as excellent service. Then ask, what stops them from doing these things all day every day? This can help to remove barriers you may not have been aware of and you can confirm the value of doing the ‘little things’.
Customers LOVE the ‘little things’ and speak highly of the people who do them.
Do that, and you are well on your way to creating a solid set of customer service standards that have a high chance of being adhered to because your staff identified them and agreed to them.
If you want more DIY actions that will keep your ESS motivated and your customer service standards awesome, then you need to get into The Zone.
By Cate Schreck – Author of The A – Z of Service Excellence