Are you brave enough to do this 52 times?
When was the last time your frontline Education Support Staff tried something new with the goal of improving the reputation of the School?
What would happen if you empowered them to come up with and road test a new way of doing just 1 thing every week?
1. The actions have to positively impact customer service
2. You have to let your team decide, implement and review the new (you have to take a step back).
And there you have it! 52 customer service improvement ideas created and tested by the people who know your customers likes, dislikes, needs and wants.
If you are already thinking of 52 reasons why this won’t or can’t work, why?
Unless you’ve done it before or in the middle of doing it, why wouldn’t you give it a go?
I’m not trying to be pushy here, I really want to know why.
Why I think you should is obvious. I know the huge benefits of empowering your ESS to come up with and road test service improvement ideas, but if you want more evidence, below are four stats that might make you rethink why letting your team do the thinking could be worth their time and not yours…
91% of unhappy customers will not willingly do business with you again.
Source: Lee Resources
It can take as many as 12 positive experiences to make up for 1 negative experience.
Source: Understanding Customers by Ruby Newell – Legner
76% of consumers say they view customer service as the true test of how much a business values them.
Source: 2015 Aspect Consumer Experience Survey
Customers are 2 times more likely to share their bad customer service experiences than they are to talk about positive experiences.
Source: 2012 Global Customer Service Barometer
(Schools are a business and the term customer relates to the people who use the School services ie: Students, Parents/Guardians etc)
Go on, I challenge you to light a fire of service excellence in ESS and let it burn across your frontline.
Want some help? My book is packed with the A – Z of customer service improvement ideas and actions. Grab the book and you will have 26 actions ready to go – you’re welcome 🙂
By Cate Schreck – Author of “The A-Z of Service Excellence”